Featured Bot issues 9th Jan 2019 We are aware of the bot being down at the moment and we recommend you join our Discord server at https://drpg.xyz/Discord to stay updated. From the Discord Server: > Status update We have identified the issue to be with our host. The current issue is with the
Technical Stuff Featured The API rewrite. Long ago, I wrote the first version of the API for the now defunct Discord Dungeons Andr...
API Changes There's a lot to go over here. API Key breaking Your old API keys will not work anymore as the way we're generating and validating the keys have changed, along with the storage methods for them and as such, they're completely incompatible with the
Data Evolving Over Time. In my previous blog post [https://blog.discorddungeons.me/code-style-changes-or-why-ive-rewritten-the-bot-three-times/], I briefly touched on how I decided to switch to RethinkDB as I previously kept everything in memory and saved it to files on disk. That's not the whole story. Back when I started the bot, I needed
Code Style Changes, or, why I've rewritten the bot three times. The year is 2016 and I'm still in secondary school, studying away and finishing assignments in some classes faster than everyone else and doing everything other than what I'm supposed to be doing for others. Now, around this time I had a group of friends I&
Rebuilding the admin interface Long ago, adding items to Discord Dungeons was a big hassle, I didn't have the #!additem command and I had to add everything completely manually. "This can't go on", I thought to myself, and as such, I built an admin interface for it. Well,
Building the Quest Editor Writing Quests is hard. Implementing them is harder, especially when they're all in a different format of writing. To solve this, I had an idea. What if I made a simple drag-and-drop interface for creating the code. But how do I do that? Looking back to my earlier
Website Featured Re-building the web presence. For a long time, I've been unhappy with the layout and design of the Discord Dungeons website. As with anything you build, it gets old quickly, and that's what happened here and I finally decided to do something about it.
Additions to the staff roster! We have chosen our new chatmods! Thanks to everyone who submitted an application.