Changelog Version 4.5.0

Codename Steel Sunflower - 4 Additions, 6 Fixes and 5 Changes

Codename - Steel Sunflower


  • Added a countdown timer to travelling messages [Done by @Willard21_2#2815 and @Snazzah#0371]
  • Added support for multiple traps, just like multiple fields [Done by @Tyler#3592]
  • Made users able to unequip armor or items [Done by @Willard21_2#2815]
  • Added a #!runes command to see all the runes you have


  • Fixed a bug where the location of the executed command wouldn't update until after you ran the command (#659) [Done by @Willard21]
  • Fixed a small issue with an invite url (#766) [Done by @PlayTheFallen#8318]
  • Fixed a bug where you could execute your own trade (#765) [Done by @Snazzah#0371]
  • Fixed some issues with quest reactions [Done by @Willard21_2#2815]
  • Fixed issue where the #!advent command would say 11st, 12nd and 13rd [Done by @Willard21_2#2815]
  • Fixed a bug where you would have to execute the #!advent command twice (#767) [Done by @PlayTheFallen#8318]


  • Rebalanced Dungeons (More on this later) [Done by @Willard21_2#2815]
  • Changed the Max Runes in #!stats to show your current amount of runes and the maximum you can have.
  • Made Mining get +1 skill xp per 125 attribute points in the Mine Boost attribute [Done by @Willard21_2#2815]
  • Made Chopping get +1 skill xp per 125 attribute points in the Lumber Boost attribute [Done by @Willard21_2#2815]
  • Made Foraging get +1 skill xp per 125 attribute points in the Scavenging attribute [Done by @Willard21_2#2815]

Dungeon Stuff

  • Lowered the dungeon fee for high level players
  • Made the stairs more random
  • Moved the dungeon generation to only use one sub-process, helping with those pesky ENOMEM errors that kept popping up.