Tagbot updates

As detailed in previous posts, Discord is forcing bots to move over to slash commands if they're in more than 100 servers.

Since Tagbot sees wide usage across servers, not only related to DRPG, we've had to convert it to slash commands as well, which comes with a few changes.


  • Removed the variables sstatus, sgame, chancreated, serverregion, servercreated, serverownerstatus and serverownergame, as the information needed for these are no longer provided.


  • Changed commands to slash-commands
  • Made adding and editing tags use modals
  • Changed £tag [args]  to /tag name:tag args:[args]

Future plans

As the current system for tag content isn't very dynamic, and maintaining it has turned quire messy, it'll be entering a legacy state, where they'll still be supported, but not updated. Instead, we'll be adding support for lua scripting in the future and more details and documentation about this will be provided once we've fleshed it out more.