Changelog Version 4.4.0

Codename Zinc Beagle - 2 Additions, 1 Change and 4 Fixes

Codename - Zinc Beagle


  • Added the 1 hour wait into the description of #!bstop
  • Added the ability to set changelog channels (See below for more details)


  • Revamped parties [Done by @Willard21]


  • Fixed an error where the death of an opponent in a PvP match would cause an error (#762) [Done by @Willard21]
  • Fixed an error where adventure embed colors were broken [Done by @Willard21]
  • Fixed an error where level ups wouldn't always display in parties  (#763) [Done by @Willard21]
  • Fixed some more issues with donator items  (#632) [Done by @Willard21]


Changelog Channels

You can now set a channel in your Discord server where you want to to receive links to the latest DRPG Changelogs when they're posted.

To do so, simply use the #!SetChangelog command as a user with the DiscordRPG Commander role.

When using the command, the bot will create a webhook in that channel that it can send the link to whenever a new changelog is posted on the blog.

Party Revamps

(For the full discussion, see the ideas discussion here)

  • Increased the maximum players in a party to 12 instead of 4
  • Distribute rewards based on level ratio (so a lvl 100 partying with a level 900 would get 10% and 90% of the rewards respectively)
  • Rewards will by increased by 43% to account for the 20 second cooldown, putting the overall rewards on par with adventure rewards
  • Rewards will be increased by an additional 20% per member (so 1.2x with 2 people, 1.4x with 3, etc.)
  • Make the mob level a little more random. Using the average level minus 0 to 20% or something